Sunday, March 2, 2008

62 Days Late and Just Beginning

I'd vowed to myself that I'd begin this blogging project when 2008 was fresh out of the starting gate, and I just can't put it off any longer. There's always something that can stand as a catalyst for another New Beginning - I may have missed the mark on the new year, so instead I'll use yesterday's latest catch to act as the next best reason to start something new. There's nothing like a fistfull of succulent, juicy stones to kick my brain from one hemisphere to the other - the side that can balance a checkbook is now officially closed, leaving the creative side to run with the scissors with wild abandonment.

You'll have to use a little creative juice of your own to enhance the colors on these fruits - it was either just hold off until my photographer could do them justice, or just scan & upload for the more instant-type gratification. I went with the more Buddist approach - Now is all we have. Yummy stuff, these ... I'm thinking the prenite with some aquamarine, some peridot with aquamarine, maybe some aquamarine with the iolite ...greens and blues have taken the front running position, I'd say?

Stay tuned and I'll put up whatever comes of this latest batch, snagged at the InterGem Show in Southfield, MI - still going on today, if you've a mind to do some of your own hunting.

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